No. When using a saltwater chlorinator, your pool is chlorinated automatically. The salt, as a result of electrolysis, is altered into sodium hypochlorite, which is a strong disinfectant. However, your pool still needs to be maintained and kept balanced.

So, if it’s not maintenance-free, then why would you even want a saltwater pool in the first place?

Actually, there are many benefits to saltwater pools that may make you want to convert. 

    • ​Water in saltwater pools feels much softer than water in traditional chlorine pools.
    • Even though your saltwater pool will be generating its own chlorine, most people consider it gentler on the pool and the swimmer.
    • Saltwater pools do not produce those nasty chloramines that traditional chlorine pools do, because they burn them off during their generating process.
    • Since the saltwater cell produces its own chlorine, you don’t have to handle and store dangerous chemicals.
    • When the settings are properly adjusted, saltwater pools produce the right amount of chlorine instead of you having to add it.

You’ll also need to follow some basic daily tasks to keep your saltwater chlorinator in tiptop shape.

    1. Clear the skimmer.
    2. Empty the pump basket.
    3. Skim any visible debris.

Remember: keeping your pool and filters as clean as possible will save you time and money down the road!

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