How can I cut my swimming pool’s operating costs?

Your swimming pool at home is something you, your family, and most likely your friends all enjoy, but no one likes seeing higher bills than necessary, and no one wants to waste money. A swimming pool’s operating costs are divided into energy, water, and maintenance.

Saving Water

Saving money in these areas is worthwhile, and even seemingly insignificant savings add up over time.

In addition to saving money, reducing your pool’s consumption in any of these three areas will reduce the environmental impact of your pool in terms of chemical use, water and energy use, and pollution.

Saving water in your pool saves money on your water bill, saves energy and lowers the cost of your pool chemicals. Mainly due to the fact that the absorbed water has already consumed electricity and chemical costs.

Water conservation is also becoming a more pressing environmental concern. Water conservation encompasses all policies, strategies, and activities aimed at managing the natural resource of fresh water sustainably, protecting the hydrosphere, and meeting current and future human demand.

There are numerous methods for conserving water in your swimming pool.

Naturally,  indoors or outdoors, your pool will lose water due to evaporation. When not in use, make sure your pool is always covered.

A solar cover on an outdoor pool will help prevent evaporation while heating the pool on sunny days. A thermal cover for an indoor pool will reduce evaporation while also helping to keep the heat in the water.

Drainage channels installed around the edge of your pool will catch any water that is naturally splashed out by swimmers or children playing in the water and re-use it rather than wasting it.

Backwashing is one of the most common causes of water waste in pools, and there are two ways to save water in this area. The first step is to switch from sand to Diatomaceous Earth (D.E). A cartridge system does not require backwashing, so homeowners don’t waste water and energy on backwashing.

How To Save Electricity When it Comes to your Pool

Your pool’s energy use falls into three main areas; pumping and filtration, heating and lighting.

When trying to calculate how much electricity a pool costs every month, don’t forget to factor in your pool pump, filtration system, heating and lighting.

For most residential South African pools a 0.75 kW pump will be more than sufficient. There might be a need to upgrade your pump to a more powerful one depending on the size of your pool. Other ways to consider saving electricity is to switch to a more energy efficient pool pump like the Blu52 Sunflo2. The Blu52 Sunflo 2 pump reduces cost of ownership through significant improvements in energy consumption and water flow.

Aside from making sure you have an appropriately sized pool pump, there are a few other things you can do to make your pump run more efficiently and cost-effectively:

  • Reduce filtration time to six hours daily.
  • Install a timer to help control your pool pump’s cycling.
  • Clean your intake grates regularly.
  • Use a skimmer to remove any debris that appears when the water isn’t being circulated,

To save on electricity costs you can lower the temperature of your heat pump or even turn off your heat pump if you go on holiday for an extended period of time or just don’t swim throughout winter. Although an electric pool heater will heat your pool up the fastest and keep your pool warm throughout the year it uses  a lot of electricity. With the constant disruption of electricity supply a viable alternative could be to invest in solar heating for your pool.

Another way to save electricity is by switching your normal pool lights so energy efficient or solar options. These lights are simple to set up and require little maintenance.

Pool Maintenance:
Instead of breaking the bank with multiple pool chemicals we have the solution for you. BLU52 pool care products provide you with an all-in-one pool maintenance solution, saving you time and energy, giving you more time to enjoy the clear blue water of your swimming pool. The 4-week value pack provides you with an easy-to-store product with a once-a-week measured application. Our products are fast-acting, convenient and easy to use. Most importantly, our simple solution is guaranteed to work.

Looking for more ways to save money and electricity this winter? Contact your nearest
Pool Xpert Professional to get more Xpert advice and while you at it have a look at our energy saving products!

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