Simple enough, ja? Sure, it is, if you’re an experienced pool owner who’s been doing it for years. But if you’re a newbie to owning a pool or you’ve been fortunate enough to outsource the job, here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming a backwash pro!

First though, what is backwashing?

Backwashing is a pool filter cleaning method which reverses the flow of water through your filter system. Pool filters help to remove organic material by straining dirty water, and returning clean water to the pool. Over time though, larger particles build up in the filter. This reduces the efficiency of the filter or can cause more serious damage.

How to backwash your pool:

    1. Turn off the pool pump.
    2. Set the filter valve handle to the ‘Backwash’ position and ensure the handle locks in place.
    3. Turn the pump on and backwash for 2 minutes or until the water in the sight glass (located on the filter) is running clear.
    4. Turn off the pump.
    5. Set the filter valve handle to the ‘Rinse’ position and ensure the handle locks in place.
    6. Turn on the pump and run the rinse process for 1 minute or until the water in the sight glass is clear.
    7. Turn off the pump.
    8. Reset the filter valve to ‘Filter’ and ensure the handle locks into place.
    9. Turn on the pump.

A few extra points:

    • Once you’ve finished backwashing your pool, it’s important to rinse the filter. This resets the filter to optimum filtration.
    • You should backwash and rinse your filter about once a week.
    • You can reduce the need to backwash by getting a pool cover. This will keep the water cleaner for longer.
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