Plants are best kept in the garden, and not in your swimming pool! Algae has different ideas. It’s a small plant-like organism that grows, yes, you guessed it, in your pool water.

Algae spores are continually brought into the pool through wind, rain, contaminated equipment, and even contaminated swimsuits. If conditions are right, these spores can spread rapidly and take over the pool in a short amount of time. Warm weather, sunlight, lack of circulation in the water, and nitrates or carbon dioxide in the water can all contribute to algae growth.

Algae comes in different colours (how handy) and each colour has its own way of being cleaned.

    • Green Pool Algae

This is the most common swimming pool algae. You’ll see these algae floating in your swimming pool or on the pool walls, potentially causing your entire pool to turn green. It’s easy to brush off, and then it will be filtered out.

    • Yellow Pool Algae

These algae grow on the walls of your swimming pool in areas that don’t receive a lot of sun. It’s the second most common algae you’ll find in swimming pools. You kill it by super-shocking your swimming pool.

    • Black Algae

This alga looks like black spots on your swimming pool walls. Its strong defence mechanisms make it a tough one to kill. You’ll need a strong pool brush and lots of shock (chlorine and acid).

Whatever colour the algae, it’s an unsightly nuisance, so get ahead of the problem and stop it growing in the first place. Proper maintenance, routine cleaning, and appropriate chemicals all play a crucial role in preventing algae growth. So be sure to test your water regularly, and address any issues immediately.

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