Bubbles should be in a long, relaxing bath. Not your swimming pool, Well, unless you’re scuba diving in the pool.

If you’re not, and there’s still a stream of bubbles coming out of your aimflow, there may be a problem, especially when you’re first opening your pool for summer.

A few bubbles in the pool or the pump is normal, but noisy churning and lots of bubbles indicate that you have a problem – and it’s more than likely a suction leak.

These bubbles in your pool mean that air is being sucked into the line on the suction side of the pump. It’s likely happening because of one of these issues:

    • The pool water level is too low.
    • The strainer pot lid isn’t on tight or its O-ring is loose, absent, or compromised.
    • Likewise, the union between the valves and the pump isn’t tight or its O-ring is loose/absent/compromised.

Checked all that, and you still have air bubbles in your pool?

Sorry, but you might have a bigger problem, like a suction-side leak in your plumbing, which would be coming from either your main drain or your skimmer line.

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