Let’s start with backwashing 101. Backwashing reverses the flow of water through your filter. This dislodges dirt and debris that may have become trapped, and flushes it out through your multiport valve waste line.
But what if the backwash pipe is leaking, and water is dripping, or even streaming out? Most likely, your O-rings and seals inside the valve body have worn out, or a gasket in the valve is missing or out of place.
How does that affect you? A backwash valve leak means a dirty pool. And if you don’t fix the leak, it can be much more serious. Water loss that drains the pool can, over time, run the pump dry, risking burned-up seals and other costly repairs.
Fortunately, fixing a backwash valve isn’t all that technical. It is best to replace the multi-port gasket.
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