On, off, on, off, on, oh forget about it! There’s nothing more frustrating than using a heat pump, only to have it constantly tripping.

Here are several potential problem areas.

    1. Your circuit-breaker, cable supply, or voltage is incorrect.
    2. Are your electric heat pumps the correct size? Even experienced and licensed installers can make mistakes here if they don’t work with pool pumps regularly.
    3. Your electrical breakers can wear out from constant use, too much use, or from heat damage. You’ll need to have these looked at.
    4. Your heat pump can also have loose electrical connections, a faulty start capacitor, a seized motor or compressor.
    5. Finally, there’s the common cause of dirt, debris, or lack of maintenance.

IMPORTANT! DO NOT attempt to change a breaker on an existing installation on your own. And don’t install, wire, or modify an electric heat pump without the assistance of a licensed electrician.

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