The sun shines on our country for an average of 3254 hours per year. That means eight and a half hours per day. Now while that is great news for renewable energy, it also affects the water in your pool, which will evaporate.

The easy fix? Top up the pool with water from the garden hose. If you don’t, the evaporation can cause serious problems if your pool cleaner’s hose disconnects, and thanks to the lowering water level, your motor runs dry. Think expensive repairs.

The other reason is your pool has a leak. This is due to one of three reasons.

    • Structural Leaks

A structural leak is a leak in the structure of the pool itself. This most likely means a crack or fissure in the pool shell, which must be repaired immediately.

    • Fitting Leaks

A fitting is any penetration through the pool shell. Think things like lights, skimmers, and even jets.

    • Plumbing Leaks

Plumbing in a pool can be fickle. So, it needs to be properly secured during installation, because if the plumbing moves at all, it can leak. Make sure it’s held down with straps, or runs all the way to the ground.

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All sound too complicated? If it isn’t evaporation, it probably is too complicated. Find a Pool Xpert and he’ll do the work!

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