Humming like a bird. Buzzing like a bee. There’s nothing wrong with these noises while you’re at the pool, provided they come from birds and bees.

If the noise is coming from your pool pump, that’s a different story. Besides the sound being annoying, it could mean real trouble. So, before that buzz becomes a broken pool pump, you need to do something about it.

First, identify the cause. There are several contenders for the source of the problem.

Worn bearings. This is normal wear and tear that develops over time. The bearings need to be replaced before they cause further damage.

Clogged pipes. Over time, sediment and algae can clog your pool’s pipes. This means your pool pump can’t draw enough water through them. Clean the system.

Damaged impeller. If a filter isn’t keeping out dirt and other debris, they can find their way into the pump housing, and damage the impeller. You’ll hear a rattling sound. Shut down and flush the system, then replace the filter with one that’s up to the task.

Bad pump motor. Your pool  pump has a bad motor or low voltage, and is struggling to turn on or pump water. In this case, you’ll likely have to replace the motor.

Don’t sweat it. All these problems can easily be solved. Just don’t let your pump run dry. If it does, you’re wearing down the motor which may lead to it burning out.

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